Drought is one of the most devastating environmental stresses which adversely affect a multitude of plant metabolic processes. Grain crops including wheat are badly affected by drought. It has been reported that ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant which protects plants from the oxidative damage caused by the harmful reactive oxygen species produced under drought stress. Two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes, a drought resistant variety Chakwal-86 and a drought sensitive genotype 6544-6 were grown in a hydroponics culture. Drought was developed by using PEG8000. Overall, ascorbic acid application as seed priming, as foliar spray and by rooting medium helped the wheat seedlings under drought to overcome adverse effects of oxidative stress by maintaining growth, relative water content, cell membrane stability, osmotic adjustment through proline accumulation and by enhanced activity of antioxidant enzymes, however, rooting medium treatment proved to be the most effective mode of application.

Samina Malik, Muhammad Ashraf, Muhammad Arshad, Tanwir Ahmad Malik. (2015) Effect Of Ascorbic Acid Application On Physiology Of Wheat Under Drought Stress, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume-52, Issue-1.
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