An indigenous measure namely Social Competence Scale for
Children (SCSC) was developed for children with age range of 9-13
years. Specific constructs of social competence were identified with
relation to the Pakistani cultural context while using both theoretical
and empirical methods. Initially, a pool of 103 items was generated
with the help of preexisting literature, experts, university students,
parents, teachers and children. Two hundred children; 100 boys and
100 girls were taken from 8 private and government schools in
Lahore and Sargodha. Principle component factor analysis provided
six factors comprising of 40 items; selection criterion was factor
loadings of .35 and above. Factors were listed as Self-control,
Empathy and Helping Behavior, Social Skills and Obedience, Antisocial behavior, Assertiveness and Communication. Item analysis
and Cronbach’s alpha revealed significantly high internal
consistency for SCSC and its 6 subscales. Final SCSC comprised of
40 items; 24 positive and 16 negative statements encompassing
social competence. Scoring procedure was devised by analyzing
percentile scores, three categories were identified in terms of low,
moderate and high social competence to differentiate among groups.
The results are discussed in particular to Pakistani socio-cultural
Sultan Shujja, Farah Malik . (2011) Cultural Perspective on Social Competence in Children: Development and Validation of an Indigenous Scale for Children in Pakistan , Journal of Behavioural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 1.
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