Institution of marriage is facing critical crisis all over the world but in Pakistan because of several social and economic reasons marital complications are seriously debatable at national level. One of the biggest conjugal problems is late marriage in Pakistan. Though, Islāmic Law didn’t set the exact age of marriage however, in Islāmic Law, nobody can marry unless he/she reached maturity. There are several sociocultural factors which may be the root cause of late marriage. The poor people work hard to settle themselves down and they postponed their weddings till then. Sometimes this process of takes too long to marry and ultimately marriageable age passed away. Delayed marriage causes a lot of social, psychological and health consequences. If one marries at proper age then that individual can save himself from committing sins and other wrongdoings. In this article there would be discussed the social and economic obstacles and so-called cultural customs and rituals to marry at ideal age. It would also discuss an ideal Islāmic wedding model in the light of Qur’ānic doctrine for marriage.

Muhammad Khubaib, Syed Bacha Agha, Sabeen Akber. (2020) Delayed Marriage In Pakistan And Its Impacts On Society: A Critical Study In The Light Of Seerah Of The Prophet (Pbuh), The Scholar-Islamic Academic Research Journal, Volume-06, Issue-1.
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