Today, a great emphasis has been established in the understanding the voting behavior of the people and religion is a strong segment of person's voting behavior. It is the most important asp ... Read More

After the event of 9/11 in New York, Muslim countries have been affected badly with the ongoing war on terror. Muslim population which was affected due to this war, they started to m ... Read More

This research article deals with an important issue faced by women around the world, and it is sexual abuse or rape of women and its solution in the light of teachings of Islam. Islam forbid ... Read More

The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of Islamic microfinance product “Qarz-e-Hasna”provide byan Islamic philanthropic organization Akhuwat on the poverty alleviation of its bene ... Read More

The purpose of this research study is to deduce some key issues of Muslims regarding their negligence from the trial and tribulation of this world and suggests some way outs ... Read More

The association between mental health and religious orientation is most researched field of clinical psychology. Over the years, the researchers and practitioners try their bet to cope the re ... Read More

The applicability of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) to the non-international armed conflicts is questioned due to various reasons, mainly the complex nature of such conflicts fulf ... Read More

The objective of Islam is to establish economic equality, social justice, and fairness in all spheres of the life of individuals and societies. Islam put a very clear prohibition on s ... Read More

This brief research paper covers Izzad-Din Abu al-Hassan Ibn al-Athir al-Jazari’s research methodology in hadith traditions in his work entitled ‘Usd al-ghabah fi marifat al-sahabah’. Som ... Read More

Al-Madih Al-Nabavi is a popular Islamic poetry composition among the Muslim poets because the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is beloved personality of all Muslims and the respect ... Read More

Islamic law has granted countless rights to the women by ending up their exploitation. One for the most significance rights is her right of dissolution of marriage in case her husband is failed ... Read More

There have been many scholars in every age of Islamic history who devoted their lives for the propagation of Islam. They accepted the challenges of their time and defended I ... Read More

The scholars who pursued different scholarly pursuits in Islamic history are given different names and titles. The scholars who enlightened themselves with Quran were called Qari, and those who acquir ... Read More

There are two types of Ijtihād: individual and collective. When an individual Muslim Jurist perform Ijtihād it is called individual Ijtihād and when a Council of Islamic Juri ... Read More

Education has always played a pivotal role in the development of the nations; Islam has specifically called its followers for the procurement of know ... Read More

Religion is one of the essential characteristics of humanity from the beginning of time. As time progressed, new or modified religions came into existence. This happened for a ... Read More

Assessment of working capital management is mandatory to ensure managerial implication and decision making therefore the study contains an assessing role of manager’s Islamic associations, r ... Read More

The presence of the commodity future contracts in the financial markets gave rise to the idea of introducing Shari’ah compliant commodity futures in order to channel the investments from ... Read More

Wahbah Al-Zuḥaylī (1932-2015) has widely and impressively enhanced Islamic laws and legitimate jurisprudential through a lot of his addresses and his books which bargain comprehens ... Read More

Imams have an important role in community leadership and development and they accordingly need appropriate education and training to enable them to effectively perform their role. This is not ... Read More

Pakistan established on ideological basis. The core objective is to run the state on the principle of Islam. Islam as religion stresses on the consultancy to govern ... Read More

It is fact that teachings and rulings of Islam are forever and it gives widespread path to entire humanity to lead a flourish, prosper and pleasant life belonging to any ar ... Read More

A message of Seerat-un-Nabi is supremacy of humanity. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) verbally as well as practically ensured to respect mankind. Supremacy of humanity means that a man didn’ ... Read More

The source of three schools of Suni jurisprudence is identified as the book of Muwatta. One of the scholars who agree with this supposition is Shah Waliullah who considers it as the foundation o ... Read More

No doubt, in order to prove the truth of some person or book, a lot of things are taken into consideration along with the prophesies described by them and it is also taken ... Read More

Marriage is a relationship whereby husband and wife receive spouses and afflictions, there is support for the wife and children, the woman nourishes the children with mental a ... Read More

In case of solving the issues based upon the human necessities and expedients with reference to clear analogy or common rules, when such type of results appear which do not ... Read More

Dialogue is the best tool to solve the issues and conflicts of opinions. Dialogue among different schools of thought in Muslims, is need to develop tolerance and peace in so ... Read More

Tehreek khatam-i-Nabuwat1953 was a remarkable incident in history of Muslims of Pakistan. This ‘Tehreek’ was started by Syed Attaullah Shah Bukhari and his contemporary Muslim leaders aga ... Read More

International Humanitarian Law is the part of International Law and is applicable only at the time of armed conflicts. It is known as the law of war or the law of armed c ... Read More