This aim and purpose of this article is to analyse spiritual aspects in Rumi’s Mathnawi (Spiritual couplets).His Mathnawi gives plenty of stories which are based on spiritual message. ... Read More

In present times, four questions are of great importance about marriage between Muslims and non-Muslims. The first and basic question is why in Islamis it forbidden for Muslims to marry ... Read More

In Capitalism a Person has full authority of Ownership over one’s wealth. One can spend one’s wealth in whatever and whenever one likes. Due to this false impression a person considers it one’s right ... Read More

The role of leaders is admitted worldwide. The leader leads the follower toward the right path. A single person may change the destiny of the nation on the basis of God gifted a ... Read More

Islam is a complete code of life that provides guidelines for every walk of human life. All its injunctions and commands contain wisdom and benefits for mankind. While defining the broader framew ... Read More

The study is chosen to dispel doubts about guidance and ignorance in the minds of Muslims and to light the candle of awareness. Because in the present era, people with a secular minds ... Read More

Today the contemporary world is facing social, moral, ethical, cultural and political challenges. One of the causes of social problems is lack of moral values in young generation especially ... Read More

Imam al-Tabarani is one of the great scholars of Islam and the well-known person in Islamic World, He was the “Musnad Duniyah” Umamah rely on Him about Prophet’s (peace be upon him) Narrations. Al Mua ... Read More

This research aims to know the sources of knowledge among philosophers, different doctrines since the emergence of philosophy and what are the means of knowledge refe ... Read More

The modern world today, the Covid-19 Corona epidemic is sweeping the entire world, as people on earth have become prisoners of diseases that kill them without discrimination, ... Read More

The Holy Qur'ān is the ultimate Divine guidance. Muslim scholars of all the times tried to make easy to understand the meanings of the Qur'ān in, Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Jan Sir hindi also played ... Read More

This paper will review historically and comparatively the process of conservation through collection and arrangement of two major religious books, the Holy Quran and the Veda ... Read More

Details of Madani era are available in the chronicles of history & Sīrah, but this aspect is somewhat terse research, as to when do the efforts to establish the states of Madinah beg ... Read More

Taqi ad Din Ahamad ibn Taymiyyah remarkable, recognized and medieval Sunni Theologian, jurisconsult, logician and great reformer today, he is known by the title of Sheikh-ul-Islam. ... Read More

Poverty is a dangerous social problem which puts man under trial dissuading him from his religion and compromising his dignity and character. It is a potential t ... Read More

From the very beginning, this uncomfortable disease has killed more people than for any other reason. The pandemic of the end and the disease (COVID-19) has gradually shown h ... Read More

Social advances and legal-based socio-cultural scholars have argued that “character legislative issues” weaken social advances and undermine their effectiveness in an open approach. I put forw ... Read More

The study will highlight the core problems of a society that arise with the deficiency of a proper mode of education. Also, this research will emphasize the problems associated wit ... Read More

The present study aims at providing the venue to the mystical insights of Ghazalian theory of soul to be integrated into the study of Freudian psychoanalysis, with its principal emphasis on ... Read More

Islamic considerations can be a useful tool to complement laws where statutory legislation comes short of covering newly-emerging propositions supposed to be covered by the laws of th ... Read More

Hollywood movies are very popular in most nations around the world and the viewers of these countries turn to Hollywood blockbusters for entertainment purposes. Hollywood movie i ... Read More

Orientalism is an idea originated in the west to define east and its forms of arts. It gained its strength from the Industrial west, which provided for necessary tangible and intangible ... Read More

Relationship between cinema and religion is as old as the history of cinema. Since the beginning of commercial feature films in the sub-continent (now Pakistan, India and Ban ... Read More

The study will highlight the core problems of a society that arise with the deficiency of a proper mode of education. Also, this research will emphasize the problems associated wit ... Read More

The main purpose of this study was to explore principles of gender interaction in Islamic teachings. Now-a-days Muslims find themselves asking what the guidelines are for men & women ... Read More

The first goal of education in Islam is to nurture the abilities of man completely so that he becomes a good citizen. So that he lives his life according not only as part of socie ... Read More

Institution of marriage is facing critical crisis all over the world but in Pakistan because of several social and economic reasons marital complications are serious ... Read More

The teachers are said to catalyst of change and play an important role in their institutions especially in cultivating young minds toward the familiarity about religion and its prac ... Read More

There have been multiple translations of the Holy Qur’ān in recent times. The process of English translations began after the crusades. Then, Muslims came to the fore and transla ... Read More

This study aims to investigate the impact of ethical leadership on job performance, organizational citizenship behavior and turnover Intention. Importantly, it examines the modera ... Read More

The Article is a comprehensive historical study of translations of the meanings of Holy Qur’an. The Translations of the meanings of Holy Qur’an was a matter of serious consideratio ... Read More

The need to revive the Islamic viewpoint on modern issues has intensified due to major economic, social, and state structural changes. It is a big challenge for Muslim jurists & refor ... Read More

It is necessary for the views to differ from the differences of reasoning and understanding from the text. There are different opinions and attitudes among the Muslims in Islamic rules. Som ... Read More

This brief research paper consists of an analytical study of the modern books compiled on the topic of treaties and covenants of The Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) with other tribes ... Read More

It has been much written and said about the status of women in Islam. This is the undeniable fact today that a society cannot move forward and grow up socially and scienti ... Read More

Making and properly straightening of rows (Saf) is integral part of congregational prayers. The rows can either be physically jointed or can be implied in case people hav ... Read More

Daw’ah (preaching)is the main source to spread the light of Islam and introduce it to the non-Muslims but a large number of intellectual turned away from this duty and those who are engaged in ... Read More

Secularism is a western term which means a complete separation of all political and other matters of the state from religion. Secularism is not against religion but it declare ... Read More

The Islamic System of Justice is all embracing that every person be it rich or poor can go to the courts for any dispute to get justice. There is as case in Islamic Courts that an ordinary man ... Read More

This investigation aims at to present the Islamic view about the protection of water sources, its significance, and comparison with modern study and to depict the distinctions and similitudes if ... Read More