Allah has revealed Holy Quran to guide and transform the lives of human being. According to Hadith, Quran was revealed in seven dialects because it is the name of wisdom. So, seven alphabets have numerous philosophies and benefits embedded in them. In this article introduction of Quran along with literal and figurative meanings have been elaborated. Details of seven alphabets have been explained vividly besides literal and figurative meanings of seven alphabets have been expounded. After that three important axioms of savants have been narrated. Amongst them, Imam Razi’s axiom is cited specially. In the last, modern axiom is given with explanation in a lucid way. A part from that, the logics and reasons behind the revelation of Quran in seven dialects have been deliberated including revelation of Quran in Arabic language, affection of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) for Ummah, convenience for Muslim Nation, satisfaction for nature, eradication of linguistic bias amongst Arabs, consensus of two commands, narration of two commands of different versions. Abundance of virtues, legitimacy of Qur’an, statures of readers and replicators of readers and others have been mooted exhaustively. In the end, article is summarized in the light of modern era.

Abdul Wahhab, Safia Aftab. (2017) Revelation Of Qur’an In Seven Dailects And Its Wisdom, Habibia Islamicus, Volume-01, Issue-1.
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