Planning related to agricultural machinery must not be carried out on the basis of speculations and interview!. Information regarding the performance of equipment alongwith its eoonomio feasibility is usually needed for developing on appropriate mecha-nization etrategy. Further, the raeohAnization basis need by developing countries may be misleading for Pakistan. For examplei it wag recommended by a worker fronri a friendly country that Pakistan must plan to aohieve the level of power equal to about 0,6 H.P. per hectare. Such a beefs has not been found reliable in view of our agricultural conditions, Thia paper euggests a plan for.increseing tractor population and discusses the suitabi-lity of different tractors, tillage imp/enients, grain drillsitransplan-tor', thrashers and harveating equipment, from the standpc.int or their technical performance and economic feasibility. INTRODUCTION As each age progres.ses, it Firings, with it the momentum of knowledge gained from the adventuring of the mind and body. New Mesa face bitter opposition in the,4eginning, eince human beings are basically. conformist in their attitudes and thinkirg. When steam locomotive WI'S. invented, people avoided to travel by it with !many fears In their minds. The uRe of feetilizar in our agriculture baps been another example. Simil*r is the ease with agricultural mechanization in Pakistan. The intreiduction of tractors brought the fear of dimplactiment of labour amongst our minds. Contequently, the mechanization process received a considerable set back in the beginning. Tractors were imported in limited numbers and their assembly and profluction in Pakistan

Ghulam Sarwar Sheikh. (1984) Agricultural mechanization research, development and planning, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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