Variations in plant dry waight, leAf area., leaf arearatio, leaf dry , specific leaf weight, leaf nitrogen contents, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate and the interrelationships between these characters were obseived o six v&rieties of inung with diverse genetic makeup. The variety Sall.-32 responsive high tofertilization tended to show high 9pe.o.ic leaf weight. and leaf blade nitrogen contend in most of its growth stages iv. compared to other. varktics in the test. The specific loaf weight. and leaf nitrogen contents were highly significant and positively correlated with eaoh other au well as. with ea leulatrd not assimilation rate. Leaf area rail] showed negative eorrelation with net RELHimilatian. rate aid total plant dry weight.. It also hot ed positive. c rirrelatio 1-4 with vela-t growth rate, Net a99irrkilation rate and relativie grOw1.11. r&te sh ow irqi poal tive 41,0r relation, Total dry matter production and loaf area, ratio tended to be 010 highe!pit t ALrfirt_] and minimum in variety •AUM-10_ lKI.B.01)LICTION The efficiency of mting plant to make. best use of available nu.trilmt.9 depend 15 upon the growth prcouis which to a gre►tt xt(116 ra controlled by gonet[e factors. Although groth analysis techniques. hive been listill for 50 years and have made a sub8talitial contril.Fution to tho current concepts of physiological E;.yotenk in crop plants (Roller et .a.L. 1970) yet there have been few attempts to apply these techniques for the improvement of grain ] comes in Pakistan, Considerable work on different crops has bean reprt.c...d by Brow. gham .(196C1), Pease et Etl. (1969), Khan and .1'5unoda (1970a), Weutfall (l)73), lstaci (1973), Gill 0974), Khan (1975) and Alunad (198), A precise growth analysis of Lnung varieties viz. 61.I.If4i•10, ACM-127, AUM-233, Tehran 8085; Depart sent of l'iunt Breeding and Conoties, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad,

Khurshid Alam , S Rasul . (1984) Growth analysis studies in Mung (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek), Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 1,2.
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