Seventy-five day-old broiler chicks were fed four different commercial starter rations alongwith a control ration from 0.5 weeks. The average weight gain and feed efficiency varied from 668.94-958.70 gin and 2,13 3.00, respectively. The RBC1s, Hb, Pev, Mcv, McH, and IVIelic values of these chicks ranged from 2.46 —2.72 mimm3; 6.70-7.82 gm/ 100 ml; 27,06-28.33%; 104.85 114.07 uin3; 25.85-31.57 pgirn; and 23.70 —28.29%, respectively. The results of all the commercial as well as control rations were quite satisfactory. INTRODUCTION Commercial feed industries have played an important role in exploiting the potential of the imported poultry birds in the country. Efficient and eco-nomical rations havo been prepared by the feed millers to popularize their feeds under the existing market competition. However, the nutritional value of the formula feeds frequently gets effected due to the change9 in the formulation as the same ingredients are not available at economical rates throughout the year. Moreover, the supply of good quality feed ingredients has not been ensured so far. Occasionally such handicaps coupled with poor managemental practices have led to a. great economical loss to the commercial poultry raisers. Although evaluation of commercial feed has been sporadically done (Khan, 1912), a conHistent and permanent evaluation system has not received due appreciation. The stereo type evaluation studies usually involved the gross production parameters (Sultan, 19S2) and have not shown precisely the changes oceuring at Department of Nutrition, University of Agriculture., Faisalabad.

A Shakoor Chaudhry, A. R. Barque, M. Z. Alam, S. H. Hanjra . (1984) Effect of different commercial rations on the haematological values and performance of broiler chicks from 0 to 5 weeks of age, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 1,2.
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