A study involving 150 broiler chicks aged M clays was conducted to compare different commercial vitamin mineral supplements in broiler;s finishing rations. The supplements tested were "self prepared premix'', commercial , i.e., "Vita.mineral premix","Nut-ripoi" "Ro usselot S. A." and "Nutrimix B". Non-significant difference in growth rate, feed consumption, feed efficiency and dressing percentage of birds fed on rations fortified with differbnt vitamin-mineral supplements was observed. INTRODUCTION Ali et al. (1984) observed non-significant differences in the growth rate and feed efficiency of broiler chicks fed. rations fortified with different premixes during their early growth (0-5 weeks). Thepresent study was carried out in continuation to see the effect of the premixes alreadly tested in the afore-mentioned experiment on the performance of the broilers in finshing period (6 to 7 weeks), MATERIALS AND METHODS Using completely randomised design, one hundred and fifty broiler chicks of 35 days age were divided into 15 experimental units of 10 birds each. The finsher rations (A,B, C, P and E) were alloted to the groups of chicks at random (Table 1L The premixes under test were: *Part of M. Sc. thesis submitted by the senior author to the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.

Sakhawat Ali, M. Akram, M. Laiq Khan , Mushtaq Ahmad. (1984) Study on broiler ration.11.Comparative efficiency of different vitamin-mineral supplements ia broiler finisher rations, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 1,2.
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