Salespersons’ function is to build trust among customers by providing them better solutions to their problems.
Salespersons require additional skills including adaptive selling and emotional intelligence to cope with the modern
behavioral challenges of customers. This research examines the impact of salespersons’ skills on customers’
behaviors in terms of repeat purchase and word-of-mouth. Furthermore, it explores the mediating role of
salespersons’ relational behavior besides examining emotional intelligence as a contingent factor between skills-set
and customer behavior. The population of this research is national and international pharmaceutical companies in
Pakistan. The top ten companies were selected based on market share, highly talented sales force, and a reward
system. For inferential statistics, Pearson’s Correlation, Simple Regression, and Moderating Regression are applied
through SEM using SPSS and AMOS. The results revealed a significant positive impact of skills-set on customer
behavior (repeat purchase, word-of-mouth). Moreover, the moderation effect of emotional intelligence is that
salespersons possessing emotional abilities are more likely to identify customers’ needs and alter their selling
strategies accordingly. In high-pressure selling techniques, the salespersons’ emotional intelligence improves the
skills-set by adaptive behaviors of being customer oriented. These findings have implications for improving
interactions in buyer-seller relationships and salespersons selection and training.
Arslan Rafi, Tahir Saeed. (2019) Salespersons as Boundary Spanners: Moderating Role of Salespersons’ Emotional Intelligence in the Pharmaceutical Industry , Paradigms , Vol 13, Issue 1.
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