The Less Developed Countries (LW s), even after having achieved political sovereignty, are still economically dependeni on More Developed Countries (MDCs). The nature of such a development can be conc ... Read More

Nadine Gordrrner's Stories in Crimes of Conscience Saha Fatim °agar Nadine Gordimer's stories in Crirne5 of Consciencel reveal riot only her mature craftsmanship but also a masterful enmeshing of t ... Read More

This article relates to statutory meeting of a company. MIL try to bring out some weaknesses. Where necessary suggestions have been given for the better functioning of the system. I believe this artic ... Read More

The dimensions of media studies are closely related to the communication technology as it not only affects the media products and their use but also changes the structure of media organization and emp ... Read More

American war in the guise of locating weapons of mass destruction (NMD) in Iraq, to "curtail terrorism as projected by their policy makers, has diverse implications for regional and global socio-econo ... Read More

The development and adjustment problems of children have been a major concern of educators, psychologists and social workers_ Though social, emotional and educational difficulties during childhood are ... Read More

What is man? What is society? What is relationship between man and society? Individual is important or society? These are questions of general philosophy, which provide foundation for the philosophy o ... Read More

Any conceptualization of a lictiorml world presupposes both a world as a reference point, and a mind through which that world is reflected. Thus a Mind Style becomes a realization of a narrative point ... Read More

It !lath, gazing on the midnight sky., Upon the anat., mountain peak supine, BelOw, far lands are seen tremblingly,. Its imam and his beauty are °Wine_ Pero/ Bysshe Shelley 'On the Medusa of Leonardo ... Read More

Metaphysics remained a dominant feature. of cfassical Punjabi and Metaphysical English poetry. Sultan Bahu and John Donne were creating religious and metaphysical verse in the Seventeenth century in t ... Read More

This paper aims at best to search for alternatives against the conventional morality and perceptions. With the basic premise of Sept. ii being a turning point in human history for demystifying inheten ... Read More

This paper attempts to study the transition that has taken place in the system of care for the mentally ill persons from institutional to community care, It focuses mainly on the process of deinstitut ... Read More

A journalist is required to be neutral_ Thousands of books on mass media have elaborated the qualities and duties of reporters and sub editors. Almost all the authors of these books are agreed that th ... Read More

Twentieth century has been described as a century of conflicts. The master minds at the helms of affairs in Europe repeatedly painted the Worfd Canvas with gruesome wars costing millions of lives. The ... Read More

The mass media have been playing an active role in cu!tivating relationship among various nation-states. They have been an actor of tremendous importance and have been influencing all key areas. There ... Read More

Saraiki language, which has acquired this specific name not very long ago, is the mother tongue of the people of south Punjab. Starting from about the conflux of river Jehlum and Chenab and extending ... Read More

The purpose of this paper is to derive lessons learned from the past research on the diffusion of innovations that could be utilized in present day research in the area of mass communication. We place ... Read More

There seems to be a little effort on the part of successive governments in developing countries to take the people into confidence while designing development projects. This trend is fashionable throu ... Read More

Professor Ahmed Ali [1910----1994] was a well-known short story writer, novelist, critic, translator, poet, dramatist, historian, educationist, commentator and an ambassador.[1] He is considered to ... Read More

The present exploratory study has examined the effects of media exposure on western enculturation of youth in the urban town of Dera Ismail Khan in context of the debate on New International Informati ... Read More