This review addresses the psychosocial issues based on the research evidence from Pakistan. The scarcity of research investigating psychosocial aspects of transplantation in Pakistan reflects the ne ... Read More

The present research intended to examine the outcomes of active and passive procrastination among Pakistani educated adolescents via online data collection. To meet the objective measures concerning ... Read More

This study examined the association between employability, work life balance; and subjective career success; and ii) the mediating role of work life balance. The population comprised of IT sector or ... Read More

In this competitive era, employees continue to strive for further education and training for survival and growth in the workplace. This study aimed to explore the most inspirational need which force ... Read More

The present study was designed to analyze the relationship of selfregulation and academic achievement among high and low achiever undergraduate students. According to Baumeister, Heatherton and Tice ... Read More

The study examined association between perceived parent adolescent conflict and social competence and whether gender of the adolescents moderated impact of parent-adolescent conflicts on their socia ... Read More

This cross-sectional study addressed the question of how peer rejection sensitivity may contribute to the relationship between teacher rejection sensitivity and psychological maladjustment among ado ... Read More

The present research aimed at examining the mediating role of paranormal beliefs between external locus of control and religiosity. Associations in urban men and women and rural men and women were ... Read More

Bullying in the workplace implies severe organizational and social concerns. This study examines the association among Work-Related Bullying (WRB), Person-Related Bullying (PRB), Work Performance ( ... Read More

The current research examined the role of perceived authentic leadership (AL), work overload (job demand), and autonomy on the job (job resource) in strain and motivational paths of the JD-R model. ... Read More

The concept of parasocial interaction explains the relationship that exists between media consumer(s) and media figure(s). Although it is, more or less, a one-way form of interaction, in this intera ... Read More

Improving teaching quality and effectiveness should be one of the primary concerns for any educational system. Research suggests that the use of humor (to engage students in laughter) in teaching ca ... Read More

The current study investigates that how patients with blood cancer regulate their cognitive emotions regulations (CER), optimism towards life and quality of life regarding their illness. It was hypo ... Read More

The major aim of the study was to explore the impact of supervisor support on depressive symptoms in research students of BS, MSc, MPhil and PhD. Moreover, the study investigated the moderating role ... Read More