آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

Aquaculture is one of the basic and fundamental economical leading industry in Asia. The use of probiotics in aquaculture improves efficiency and growth of fish and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Probio ... Read More

The prevalence of infertility is increasing day by day in females all-round the globe. The major aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of infertility and its related metabolic problems and r ... Read More

Mefenamic Acid is anti-inflammatory drug used to treat pain. The focus of this research work was the validation of mefenamic acid tablets to ensure their quality and efficacy by applying various physi ... Read More

Numerous nutritive, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical benefits are key attributes of fruits, a prominent product of angiosperms. Main phytochemical constituents of fruits are the secondary metabolites ... Read More

A study on the loss of rice production due to bacterial leaf blight of rice has been reported. A total of 23 bacterial isolates were collected from eight districts of Punjab Pakistan and were characte ... Read More

Stevia is a natural sweet herb grown as a substitute for sugar producing crop. Its leaves have stevioside and have about 300 times more sweetness compared with other sugar producing crops. Its seeds a ... Read More

The study was led to find the predators of family Stigmaeidae from Punjab, Pakistan. The holotype female (immatures & male unknown) of genus Storchia (Storchia sheikhupuraensis) was collected from the ... Read More

Solanum nigrum is used in local medicinal system to cure many metabolic disorders and oxidative stress-oriented health problems. Current work was performed to optimize the extraction process using fre ... Read More

The present study describes the antioxidant and pancreatic lipase inhibitory properties of different hydroethanolic leaf extracts of Conocarpus lancifolius. Freeze drying assisted ultra-sonication was ... Read More

Transdermal drug delivery seems to be overwhelming and alternative to other means of drug delivery via oral or intravenous. To treat the diabetes mellitus and to get rid of the traditional injection t ... Read More