A comps.rative study of atitnmn versus spring croppingnystern of sugoireano revealed that monoerOlving 'of ePtilrig carte -in -the middle of March. gave 4411ei.r osine- yitid,,as !compared to al:attain orop planted in the middle of October ard November and intercro-pped with liheat. In general, the autumn. Flaoted cane ga-ve .022 an average' and 1 per oent higher recovery- of- juicre and streroso oontents, reepeotivell.P., Omerfthe spring Thanked. cone. Within the autumn. Panted cane, earlier the planiing, he 'tiger wan 1ho recovery of '0-Ike *ad 'Elm riot contents.. Wheat interplant 2d n -Oct°. her sown cane, -gave relatively tower-grain •and literals 71-61d3 •69 jeornriared to eilmiiitaneoul planting of .whea.t Anti eragarearne' wn November rilVend the -normal monocropping of 4hest, 'bath of Ohioh ge.I4 gmin ieId. 1.otai1 production in use cof nionoeroppirig f sagercane weis.clightly higher than Min imatiple;. cropping a wheat and -wagateane, .bIrt net Inmate wan .higher in ono% of the multiple cropping of libelist, two •Drops, INTRODUCTION The field germination obtained by an dpicererr thirm rower in SO + I per cent. This germinability is,orie of th-o riun pepibleens criffeoting the ieartap etem.d ramd coasectuently. the final .mne yield, /diddle of March hats leen. ,rt Dined as the bent time for pleating of fugalckane in thin triiIst (Sigh. 14,41.)., bat the 4] Landing wheat crop also reprices fairtivisi taneotte irrigation. Cortnequently, the limited water availsI3Le with .tie frier &Doe not pewit timely phating of oane in most caze-3. 8145layaci seerimg of imns, beeides rechtoing its groiriisg period, remits is for eeekiling eme,rganee due to high temperature in April and *Dopartment of Agrono. y, University of Agrioulturs,

Riaz A. Khan, M. Saeed. (1984) Production of autumn versus spring planted sugarcane and intercropping of wheat in autumn sown cane, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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