Twenty-Ive fungal strains of Aopergillus, Mucor, Penicillium and Rhizopus species isolated from soil and otbor food product"! have been tceted for their lipolytie activity. Under ApAClitied ELIS437 COnditiWIA it WAS found that strains of Aupergillus species exhibited maximum lipase activity and protein contents showed a good correlation with their iipolytic activity pattern, It wai also noted that Aspert7iilses tiger, Aspergilitta oryzat, mod. Aspergilius flavti8 isolated from soil contained ruore enzymatic ao•ivity than those. isolated from other scarees. It was evident that thermotcg. lerant strai Ua were more potent in lipase aetivity than the none thermotolerant ones. The -details concerning optimum lipaAe production from the atraing of Aspergiaul rriger, ilspervildtts oryzais and Aopergiaus itcztrus under similar Rom conditions have ben. disc'dosed. INTRODUCTION The wide use of lipase preparations in eoeme•ies, pharmacentieal prepa-rations, food proceosios, elimination of fat from bones and chemical deterpnb industries have prompted tho manufacture of this enzyme from cheap 100.rees nrr COnimereiLi scale (Somlcuti Lod. EabeL ABS; Robert et :air_ 4158; Labourtur and Villalon, 1961); Patrick and Lake, 1969; Fukornotu ands Mieko, 1970 and Kobayashi. 1971). It may be assumed that microbial sources may be cheaper for the lactation of this enzyme in COED pathos' to animal eourcrs. Moreover, more information about the isolation and characterization. of this cuzynaci will be very helpful to Inantivate this enzyma in rice bran, a by product of rice crop, containing a good amount of cdiblo oils, The objective of the present

M. Afzal, M. Yaqub, M. Jamil Qureshi, A. Salam. (1984) Screening of fungal strains for the iolation of lipaae enzyme, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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