Calculations based on X-ray projection studies revealed that (Indoly1-3) phenyl iodonium trif I uoroace tate is a T-shaped. mole; However, if two non bonded electron pairs an. iodine Ire taken. into aceouat, the rnolocule would, have trigonal—hipyramidai structure, the hadolyl ring and two lone pairs on the. equatorial poaition,„ the phenyl ring and triflunrocotate ion at the apices.. INTRODUCTION X-ray data are available for dipheoyl idocionium ehloride (Kboloyanova, 19S.7). iodide (Khoteyanovsb 1976)„ bromide (Khotsysneva, 1275) and Iluorobo-rate (Struebkoir and Kbetayanova, 1960). The first three are isomorphus while fluoroborate is purely an ionic salt. These raoleoules have T-shaped structure. Chloride, bromide and iodide crystals. belong to the mama spaee group 02/0. and CiOntida eight mnleonleis per unit cell, whereas, litioroborate oryetal belongir to la pace group P2IC and contains four m.oleaules per unit cell. However, iodonium salts containing the indoly I group OF3 a ligand have not been reported so far. Interested in the chemistry of sue& types of iixlooitim ion, the arfitai stru.cture of (Indoly).3) phenyl iodoniu.m. trifinoroeoetate is reported heroin, MATERIALS AND METHODS Gencrai 11144ting points were tole!) in capillary tubes. In this conneo-Mon. It was found that the iodonium Salts decomposed near their welting points N'Irhioh depended strongly on the duration of heating. Therefore, after an approximate mp, had been taken, a new maniple wise introduced at about 10c10

Fiyyaz A. Chuyhtai , Valadimir A Budylin. (1984) Crystal structure of (irdolyl-3) phenyl iodonium trifluoro acetate, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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