Duriug kharif season (July•Septetrihar) of 1983, pods of exotio and local mungbeau (Vivra. radiate L ) Wilezek.) cultivara planted. at National Agrioul. Food Le go ea p ro vein en t tuella Researa Centre,. Islamabad+ under the Programmes were. found to ho rotting. The di:seamed pods ahowed water-soaked ispots on which. the fungus fruited abundantly. A network of white mycelium on pod eurface and tiumcrous condiopbotes spread. out in all direatione with brownish. black buds of sporangia, It was observed that pods nearing maturity were more susceptible- than Ow young pods. Withered and detached flowers were. allao found to he infected. The disease more. prevalent under humid The fungs..1 pathogen was isolated in pure culture on IDA Find w.& a Ciloamphora cueuribitaritni (Berk and Bev.) Thaxter, In order to teat the pathogenicity of the fungus detached healthy pods of orkuilbesm oraltivar Fe 15-82 were surfso") sterilized with 0.5 por cent sodium hypoehloricle solution for 1.5 minutes, and then washed serieral times in distilled ateri/ized water. The waphed pods wc:re inoculated by dipping them into a conidial. 111.1131)6119i0IL of C. owcurbilartcm 16.15 x 104 eonidiainil) and then were planed in oterilized petri•plate■ at. roonitemperalure (21 to 29 'C) along with uainoculated contro. After one week, the itioculatEd pods developed characteristic symptoms of the, disel►Se as were obst.rved in the field,„ 'whilo no symptoms developed on tho nnitoc.ulated pods. Upon reieolation the fungus came out to be the sEkrne, i. 0., accurbitarum. This pathogein, though. repotted to parasitise eajamts mica; !arra and Mehra, 1989), cotton (Sapkal ed 1975). Capsicum annuuni (11.1irm, Qureshi, 1978) and cowpes (Kangatharalingams 1976% is a new record on mungbean in Eskistsri.

S. H. Qureshi , M.Bashir. (1984) Choanephora pod rot of mungbean, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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