During April, 1983, A 3.Pix (Linum tvidaasiiinton L1) cultivar "Border 1.7. 5" grown in an experimental plot at MARC, Islamabad, wag found to be infected with terry rot disease. The characteristic symptoms of the were bleached lesions on the stem and branohes which were ooverod with whitish mouldy growth and black selerntla of the pausal fun-gaa. (Fig. 1). The selerotia were spherical to irregular its iba.pe and 1 t.e. .3 min ia diameter_ The 'causal organism nvi.oeiated with the disPaui wiu fientiEccl tt be a fungua called Selorotirria. sc.16rotiz-rmnii (IA.) de nary. This pathogen ha a wide host range. and has been reported on species. of Bras-slog, Eruca, Capriown and on Seaamf,, COr, dor, _Hibiscus, Sunflower and Tobacco (Butler and Bi*by, 1933), nu oil arid fibre flat (Mederick and Piening, I 98.2)„ and on pea (Ilyas.,, 1984). _fl ow-ever, it ie. 64 new record on o:lieecl flax in Pakiutan. Jig. 1- Selerotinia rot of oitueed flax, The causal organism, as a pure culture, was isolated on PDA by plating infected item pieces (surf ice sterilized in 1 % sodium hypoolilotide isolation for 13 min. and rinsed in eliltilled sterilized water) and incubated at UPC. Within 5 . 7 days of incubation, Om fungus produced white cottony mycelium composed of much brancl.ed arid. septato byphae, with a. ring of large black Holerotia near the outer margin of tile culture pi.o..t.e.s. Salerotia on P.DA plates

M. S. Mirza , M. B. Ilyas. (1984) Selerotinia stem rot of flax in Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 21, Issue 3,4.
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