As a result of wars and disasters in the 20th century, people tried to find answers to the question “Who we are? or Who we were?” This indicates the importance of memory studies. When we think of I ... Read More

After the advent of Persian language in subcontinent, the arrival of Iranian poets during the Mughal period, proved to be a puff of cold breeze in the literature of subcontinent. But during the Bri ... Read More

Since the advent of globalization, the world is facing various challenges. The rift in one nation sometimes becomes a frightening incident for the whole world.Therefore, there is a dine need to asc ... Read More

Literary era of Sadegh Hedayat and his contemporary novelists in Persian is important due to its thematic as well as stylistic significance. Novelists of that time focused on expressing their view ... Read More

What is culture? How did it come into being and what is Pakistani culture? In literature there is an ambiguity about the origin of the word and in Urdu its alternate usage and interpretation of thi ... Read More

A significant segment of literary theory that is known as semiotics or semiology in cultural criticism, foregrounds linguistic relations between the poetics of literary texts and cultural contexts. ... Read More

Iqbal’s recognition as well as Iqbal’s rivalry has also become a permanent subject. In beginning a lot of contradictions were started on Iqbal’s literary statement in which connoisseurs were promin ... Read More

Wring of Comic column in Urdu is in vogue since a century. Urdu Journalism is blessed with famous writes from the very beginning. Who by their utmost skill widen its sprit. In Urdu the writing of c ... Read More

Aftab Iqbal Shamim is one of the most important Urdu poets which modern Urdu poem has ever produced. He has six collections of poems to his credit which have been published in a collective form tit ... Read More

At the beginning of the 20th century Urdu Literature got many dimensions. Western Literature also influencing. Urdu Literature with this background the tradition of popular fiction exists in almost ... Read More

A haiku is an unrhymed Japanese poetic form that consists of 17 syllables arranged in three lines containing five, seven and five syllables, respectively. A haiku expresses much and suggests more i ... Read More

Abdullah Hussain is a remarkable Urdu novelist who masterly portrays the spectrum of humain and social life in his novels. We can see the external context and the internal world of the characters a ... Read More

Dr. Anwar Sadeed is one of the notable writers who contributed a great deal towards the advancement of Urdu literature. His literary contribution can never be underestimated. He is adept at all gen ... Read More

Shamsur Rahman Farooqui is well known critic, a scholar, a short story writer, a novelist and a literary personas editor of manifold journal: "shab-khoon". In this article, I discussed about histor ... Read More

Patriotism is a basic element which reveals the relation of a person with his homeland. Each and every territory of earth has its own beauties. The people living in these terrorties have a natural ... Read More