Dr. Saleem Akhtar is a multi-dimensional Urdu prose writer. He is an acclaimed critic, known fiction writer, popular literary historian, literary reviewer, Iqbal and Ghalib Scholar, travelogue write ... Read More

This articles introduces us to an important book written by an orientalist ,Carla Petiavich.The book discusses the famous theory of two schools of thought in classical urdu poetry i.e.,Delhvi and La ... Read More

This article discusses an important device of Urdu poetry which is called "ta'alli" (expression of pride). Such a quality of poetry has also been termed as "tasleef" in Rhetoric. The present article ... Read More

"Infact, the philosophy of existentialism is the philosophy of human life. Iqbal's thought and ideology is based on Quran. In Iqbal's lectures and poetry we find prominent existentialism thoughts in ... Read More

Allama Iqbal is a great poet of Urdu Literature. He is a trend setter in modern Urdu poems. In 1977 government of Pakistan decided to celebrate the hundred years of Iqbal's birthday. Literary circle ... Read More

A citation is an abbreviated expression embedded in the body of an intellectual work that denotes an entry in the bibliographic references section of the work for the purpose of acknowledging the re ... Read More

Generally Qudrat Ullah Shahab's Shahab Nama is placed amongst the auto-biographies yet its craft, style, structure and a blend of reality with imagination arise the question whether we should consid ... Read More

"The present article traces the history of the scientific Urdu novel. There has always been two schools of thought related to science. One of them believes the world owes its development to science ... Read More

During the last few decades world has seen a large number of world population migration due to multiple reasons particularly at the end of colonial rule.After the exit of colonial masters major thir ... Read More

To the twenty first century readers, novel provides the most scope for appreciation of not only the contemporary but also something more distant, shrouded in the past. Though novel is relatively a n ... Read More

Quratul-Ain-Haider is an out standing and most celebrated literary figure of indian urdu novelist and short story writer. Love with pen and literature is in her genes. She considers writing a metalo ... Read More

Dr Daud Rahber (1926 - 5 Oct 2013) was a scholar of comparative religions, Arabic, Persian, Urdu literature and Indian classic music. Rahber is regarded as accomplished essayist, poet, composer, tra ... Read More

No doubt Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib is one of the ever time greatest poets of Urdu. He ever remained at an honourable and respected place in the eyes of renowned critics. Thousands of critical appr ... Read More

Hatim Tai is a legendary figure. Just as Hazrat Amir Hamza,although a real person,has been turned by story teller into a hero of dastans, Hatim also has progressed from real existence to attain a le ... Read More

Colonialism remained prevalent in the world from sixteen the to mid twentieth century and victimized a number of countries. How colonialism devastated fundamental human and birth rights of victimize ... Read More

Story (Daastaan) is a literary genre whose characters are always illusory and imaginative. The story is woven creating elements of surprise and interest by using mostly unreal elements. It has been ... Read More

Akhtar ul Iman's poetry simultaneously deals with the truths of the identity and the social realities.This is why at times his poems reflect the human emotions and at other times they portray the ps ... Read More

In this article, the writer talks about Rumi's philosophy of love and how Rumi's spiritual and mystical poetry brings peace to our hearts. This happens because Rumi's work is the epitome of love, pe ... Read More

Feminism is the reaction of social acts. It reflects the injustice with female in the society and literature is the reflection of the society. Feminism is a movement to safeguard and protect the wom ... Read More

This poem by Majeed Amjad has been termed as a representative piece of creativity by the critiques of Urdu literature students of poetry alike. And rightly so, because on the one hand, it tends to e ... Read More

Travelogue is an important branch of Urdu literature. Many renowned writers have given their own styles and own crafts to Urdu travelogues. The Travelogue can be divided according to the subject and ... Read More

Politics and literature are two distinct fields of life. One is related to effect betterment in the external facet of social life whereas the other is concerned with the internal life of a man and h ... Read More

The theory of Dialectical Materialism given by Frederick Hegel was evolved as Historical Materialism by Karl Marx. According to this theory, the structure of society and its historical development a ... Read More

"A History of Urdu Literature" by Ram Babu Saksena is the first remarkable and comprehensive history of both prose and poetry in Urdu Literature. He tried to write this history on the Western princi ... Read More

The paper establishes that Urdu has been used as lingua franca and as a medium of instruction throughout Kashmir, for a long time. The semi independent region Poonch had adopted Urdu as the official ... Read More

Hafiz Mehmood Sherani is the pioneer of Tadveen e Matn of Urdu in Oriental College. He is the first scholar who took up the difficult task of correcting and rehabilitating text of old Urdu books. Hi ... Read More

Saadat Hassan Manto is a legendry personality in Urdu literature. Manto produced an appreciable literary material particularly in the field of Urdu Fiction. There are many published books, articles ... Read More

To determine the social status of a person, Sorokin coined the idea of social space. This theme is useful in analyzing the relative position of a person in her/his group and her/his horizontal or ve ... Read More

The literary culture of Government College, Lahore had left deep in print on the grooming of Muzaffar Ali Syed. He was appointed Editor of the literary magazine of the Government College 'TheRavi' i ... Read More

Mustansar Hussain Tarar is an eminent Urdu travel writer. Although many of his travel writings are about foreign countries, unknown lands and unfamiliar regions, yet he has also written extensively ... Read More

ShaukatSiddique has emerged as one of the prominent prose writer since Pakistan came in to being. He started his writing carrier after the independence of Indian Subcontinent in which he highlighted ... Read More

Fehmida Riaz is a famous Urdu Poetess, Fiction writer and feminist. She develop a bold image of Women in Urdu Literature. This paper discussed feminism in Urdu Literature and the role of Fehmida Ria ... Read More

As for as the history of Urdu National Poetry is concerned,it emerged regularly in the second half of 19th century when Maulana Altaf Hussain Haali and Maulana Muhammad Hussain Azad started the Move ... Read More

Urdu poem is divided into two phases i.e. Qadeem(ancient) and Jadeed (modern). Iqbal stands at the border line having a deferent approach. All of three are different in so many ways, in their dictio ... Read More

Farhang-e-Asfia which is compiled by "Syed Ahmed Dehlvi" and Noor-ul-Lughat which is compiled by "Molvi Noor-ul-Hassan" are considered the major dictionaries of their time. The importance and authe ... Read More

The Subcontinent, which constitutes a major part of South Asia, has grown up seeds of a few foreign languages in its soil. Among these languages Persian is very important. The presence of thousands ... Read More

Today the wide/vast distances of the universe are meant to be short by the use of Internet. Abundance of knowledge and insight are to be contained in the memory of computer. The light of Internet h ... Read More

This article is a brief introduction to the English translations of Hali's poetry and prose.It tells us about seven(7) translations of Hali's famous poem "Mussadas e Mad o jazr e Islam".Some of Hali ... Read More

Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali (1837---1914) was not only a renowned poet and critic but he was a kind mentor as well. He trained his juniors to serve their Nation with zeal and zest. Maulana Zafar Ali ... Read More

Today, the use of Internet has shortened the immense distances of the universe. The light of internet has spread rays of knowledge everywhere. The dichotomy between dream and reality has been reconc ... Read More

Abstract:Moulana Altaf Hussain Hali (1837-1914)is a great Urdu poet and a critic. He was also an important piller of Aligarh movement. SHAWAHID UL ILHAM is an Urdu Article of Moulana Altaf hussain ... Read More

This article explores the normalization of Ashraf Culture and Colonizers in Majalis un-Nisa. It is argued that the colonial authorities tried at their capacity to keep themselves at length from the ... Read More

A number of efforts have been made to edit the poetry of Maulana Hali. In this regard, Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Siddiqui holds a special place. The present article, while partially discussing various atte ... Read More

"Molana Altaf Husain Hali is a prominent figure of Urdu prose in colonial era. His book "Hayat-e-Sadi" is commonly considered as biography but infact it's a book of applied criticism because Hali de ... Read More

There is no doubt that the Mussaddas-e-Madojazar-e-Islam is poetry and the Hayat e Javid are the Hali's "Magnum-opus", but unfortunality his other elegant works were neglected by even the Notabesl o ... Read More

The present article examines the linguistic sensibility of Hali and evaluates the influence of various languages on his poetry. Hali displayed his own literary style and a unique language. While avo ... Read More

Urdu Dictionary Board's 22-volume Urdu dictionary is compiled on historical principles, also known as philological principles. Such dictionaries require citations from authors of different eras as a ... Read More

Researchers and Critics claim that the first Reportage written in Urdu is Molvi Iqbal ali . He Published his first Reportage in 1884. Some are saying that Sajjad Zaheer is the first, who published h ... Read More

This article deals with Hali's views about history and hisorigraphy. Reviewving Zaka-ullah's Tareekh-e-Hindustan, Hali has deborated his article views about history. The author of this article has s ... Read More

The article entitled "Hali bator Sawaneh Nigar" is divided into three parts. First part covers the principles, main features, stages and conditions of the art of biography. Standards and substandard ... Read More

Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali was trendsetter Urdu poet and critic . He is also one of the most well-regarded biographer of Sir syed's life, and a commentator of his multidimensional work. To Hali also ... Read More

Altaf Hussain Hali is one of the renowned prodigies of Urdu literature. He is not only a celebrated autobiographer but also the illustrious critic of Urdu literature. This article engages with "Muqa ... Read More

Adaptability and Adjustability are legal terms that give rise to another term "flexibility" These terms are applied to "Muqadma-e-Sher o Shaeree", analysis of which bring different results. Sir Syed ... Read More

Urdu Criticism takes its proper start from "Muqadma-e-Shairo Shairy" by Altaf Hussain Hali. This book was published in 1893. It was basically the preface of Hali's Diwan. Hali wrote it for the justi ... Read More

"Moqaddma-e-Sher-o-Shairy" is first critical book of Urdu literature. It has been considered an important critical document. Some critics have given negative remarks about "Muqaddma" but some promin ... Read More

Molana Altaf Hussain Hali was the first Urdu critic who criticized Urdu ghazal and gave suggestions to modernize it. It was his vision which guided him about the changing society and its demands. He ... Read More

A close reading of Altaf Hussain Hali's poetics makes it abundantly clear that difference of meaning in his transnational and political poems following the war of independence (1857), creates a myri ... Read More

Atlaf Husain Hali is a legend literary person. He is a bridge between traditional and modern literature. He expressed not only the modern sensibility but also opted the immortal aspects of tradition ... Read More

Religious Consciousness has gathered Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Altaf Hussain Hali on same platform. Remembrance of glorious past of Muslim Ummah, Islamic Golden ages, the sorrow of forgetfulness of ... Read More

íIn subcontinent, after the arrival of the British, a conflict had been seen at the level of modern and ancient culture and education. The modern class considerd the ancient as conservative while th ... Read More

Maulana Haali freed Urdu Ghazal from old themes and introduced it to the larger scope of the diverse segments of life. Kulliyat-e-Nazm-e-Halli contains only 116 ghazals but these beautiful compositi ... Read More

The poem " Arz-e-Hal" by Altaf Hussian Hali is an expansion of " Musaddas-e-Hali", but its form is different to the Musaddas. This poem describes the story and feelings about ups and down of the Mus ... Read More

Moulana Hali,s elegies are swarmmed with best literary traits. His poetry expresses the real spirt of literature.He gives the obligatory precedents along with the literary taste.He deduces the patho ... Read More

The article entitled:"Influence of Arabic Islamic(thoughts)in Hali's poetry"is a comprehensive study of the Arabic & Islamic elements used in Moulana Altaf Hussain Hali's poetry in Urdu.As concerned ... Read More

One major stractory for success in sustaining control over colonies, has been genorally nullify the local culture and impose the value system of coloniger's. In Colonial India British tried to impos ... Read More

Altaf Hussain Hali has influenced Urdu literature in different aspects. A good poets and prose writers have been influenced by Hali's literary works. Allama Iqbal, a great poet of Urdu and Persian, ... Read More

Hali`s preface to his poetic collection entitled `` Muqadima sher o shaeri`` falls in the category of theoretical criticism. In their own age three remarkable English Romantic poets Wordsworth, Cole ... Read More

This paper reveals the story of Hali when he was in Lahore for a couple of years during the second half of the 19th century. In this period Lahore emerged as the cultural and literary hub of India. ... Read More

Hali has contributed a lot to enrich Urdu Literature. He never walked in the beaten tracks. He was the forerunner of the modern Urdu poetry and has greatly influenced the succeeding generations of p ... Read More

The importance of Maulana Altaf Husain Hali [Alṭāf Ḥusain Ḥālī] in the evolution of Urdu literature is sufficiently known, and we don’t need to emphasize it here again.i It is sufficient to say th ... Read More

In this article, the author has discussed how Altaf Hussain Hali, the first critic writing in Urdu language, can be located in the western tradition of literary criticism? And how his contribution ... Read More